Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thou shall not shake thy baby

This one seems like a no brainer, but today it was my mantra.  Luke and I had a wonderful day together yesterday and I was not expecting him to wake up this morning acting like a totally different child. He slept in a little later than usual, then I made him waffles just like he requested, then he turned into a monster.  I had planned to run a few errands this morning and he planned to throw tantrums.  He threw a tantrum about eating his breakfast; he wanted to go to the “cookie store”.  All would have been well, but Luke’s crazy mother was making unreasonable demands, like eat your waffles before we get a cookie at publix.  The fast forward version of my morning was several tantrums, including while I was sweeping the kitchen floor and it was his turn to use the broom, “more cookie!!”, “my binky!”, “ No!”, and total panic when I gave him some watermelon for a snack. After he finished eating my snack and demanding chips, we left for our last errand.  His irresponsible mother only brought him water (like he asked for) not milk, queue the next tantrum in the car. I kept reminding myself that I love this child and this imposter child that looks like mine will go away eventually.  He fell asleep for his nap early, which was fortunate for both of us. 

This morning was the exception, Luke is usually a great kid, but it is hard to remember that when I am stressed out before I finish my coffee. Speaking of beverages, is noon too early for some wine? 

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