Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thou shall take pleasure in the small things

Last week I was grocery shopping by myself and I heard a child whining to his mother.  A smile spread across my face and I immediately felt a little happier.  Not because the child was upset, but for the purely selfish reason that I did not have to do anything to make him happy.  I did not have to get a snack, or a drink, or make funny faces, or anything.  This upset child (for once!) was not my problem.  I realize this is not a normal reaction, but I can’t help it.  That was not the first time someone else’s whining child has made me smile and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

I also enjoy some of the more traditional  parts of parenting.  Lucas also likes to read about five books before bedtime. Recently he decided to have me sit down on his floor, while he sits in the rocking chair and reads me Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you See? This book is repetitive and has pictures, so it is easy for him to "read" to me.  When he finishes reading it he gives himself a round of applause and says "yay!"  He also claps and celebrates when songs end, like he is always at a concert.

It's easy to get caught up in the day to day and not stop to enjoy the small things.  We all do take time to enjoy birthdays and hitting milestones, but not always the everyday occurrences, like the pure joy a child experiences when you read him bedtime stories. Every time my niece thinks something is really funny she gives a belly laugh that fills up the whole room and usually makes everyone around her laugh too.  I'm choosing to laugh when I find a ring of dirt around Luke's neck or find a years supply of blocks under the couch. Those are the moments that are easy to miss, but make each day worth it.

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