Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thou shall seek professional help

Being a mom can make you feel like a superhero (I can cure pain with a kiss!). But it is important to remember that there are people out in the world with specialized skills, and when your family is in need of those services it is a good idea to seek the professional’s help.  Any mom who has ever decided to cut her child’s bangs knows that an actual hairdresser is worth her weight in gold.

I have the good fortune of having two nurses in my immediate family, and nothing and no one can substitute for a trained medical professional. Although their mere presence will not stop your child from splitting his head open, it will make it much easier to handle the situation.  I am also on a first name basis with the nurses at my pediatrician’s office, and no matter how much I think I know they are always helpful, as well as patient with my endless stream of questions.  

Other service providers are also often underestimated including two who I could not live without: babysitters and bartenders.  These two, often underappreciated professionals have a special place in my heart.  Sometimes I crave a pomegranate martini, and no matter how many times I attempt to make it, the bartender can do it better and faster that I can.  My babysitter also has specialized skills, she manages several children on a daily basis while maintaining a schedule and a clean house.  Lucas asks to see her at least once every weekend, and he gets upset when I try to sing a song that she regularly sings to him.  This comforts me more than I can express, while making me feel slightly rejected at the same time. 

As a mom I sometimes feel like I can or should do everything, when in fact that is not true at all.  We should play to our strengths and acknowledge our weaknesses. Lord knows that is the only way my toilet is ever going to actually be fixed.  

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